
High quality crankcase oil meeting API service classification SF. Runway has excellent
wear, deposition and corrosion control capabilities under a wide range of climatic and seasonal
conditions. Blended from high viscosity index base oil and choice additives. Runway guaranteed
protection to the engine


High quality crankcase oil meeting API service classification SF.RunWay has excellent
wear, deposition and corrosion control capabilities under a wide range of climatic and seasonal
conditions. Blended from high viscosity index base oil and choice additives. Runway guaranteed
protection to the engine

Run way is designed specifically for all types of 4-stroke motorcycle engines.
Enhanced engine performance.
Improved engine and piston rings cleanliness.
Compatible with leaded and unleaded fuels.
Increased engine life and engine power retention.
Typical Test Data
Viscosity Kinematic (cSt) 40 o
C 185
Viscosity Kinematic (cSt) 100 o
C 19.5
Viscosity Index 121
Flash Point (COC) o
C 220
Pour Point o
C – 6
BN mgKOH/gm 8.


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